The truth about sales that no one tells you.

Let's get real on this for a minute.

Being salesy SUCKS. Being salesy and then failing to make money sucks even more.

Am I right?

Okay, so let's fix it. You are here to be a serious badass business babe (or if you're a dude, a badass business bro.) And I'm so super pumped to get you there.

First things first. I want you to take everything you have EVER learned about sales and throw it out the window.


I don't care if it hits some poor man outside your apartment window smack in the face. YOU NEED TO GET RID OF THAT SHIT.

Here's what you probably know about sales right now:

-It's icky.

-It's hard.

-It sucks.

-Being in sales means your a bad person.

-Booking discovery calls is a waste of time.

-Having a business isn't possible, because "I suck at sales."

-No one likes what you are selling.

-The problem is the product.


Okay... are we done listing out all the crap?

Phew. Now lets bring it.

Knowing the trade of your business is SUPER important, but what people don't realize is that if you don't know how to actually SELL -you are going to be stuck.

SELLING (****AKA ENROLLING -- which sounds a LOT nicer****) is by far the number one most valuable skill set for financial abundance.

If you don't know how to enroll someone into what you are offering, you are basically screwed. Let's unscrew ya.

Okay.. So here's how this training is going to work. I am going to be sharing with you some worksheets that walk you through sales and what you need to know about how to sell. I'm also going to be getting you seriously motivated about sales so you can actually heal your relationship with your business, so you can start making money. I am going to teach you the strategies and systems that I use every single day in my own business to attract money with ease and to actually FEEL GOOD about it.

Yes.. most importantly, I am going to teach you how to sell in a way that not only WORKS, but actually FEEELS authentic! You'll be able to show up on your sales calls with ease and actually exude confidence - which (lets face it) as a business owner, you kinda sorta DEFINITELY need to have.

Okay. Lets go kick some butt Badass.

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