Before Lila enrolled in the Perfection Program, Lila says she was at an all-time LOW of Self Love in her life. She was emotionally and physically drained, working 40+ hours a week, feeling depressed and anxious and had little reason to feel happy or confident in her life. She felt stuck in a cycle, a rut of feeling she was undeserving of love and happiness. She had stopped being social and bubbly and was instead, hiding away asking the question, "how can anyone love me if I don't love myself."

Then she joined the Perfection Program. And Everything changed.

"This program had me being so honest with myself in all of the journaling exercises/challenges, to recognize that yes I am flawed and have issues I’m trying to work on (as hard or embarrassing as it is to accept), but that it can be overcome. With self-love came self-acceptance and self-confidence. Once I was able to accept myself in my current state and got to the root of things, I was able to gain self-confidence through the program’s help to work on myself and try new things. …Through this program I was able to relearn self-love and essentially self-worth… it’s all connected – the program helped me discover my mental and emotional strengths first (which to me was the most important), which in turn brought me physical courage naturally without having to force or fake it. I truly am grateful for this program."

Lorraine suffered from low self-esteem her whole life. She grew up in an unhealthy family environment - her father suffered an addiction and didn't treat her mother well, she says. But what started as insecurity as a child only continued into her adult years. She struggled with finding true honest friends, was too shy to date and made decisions based on what other people in her life. She struggled with disordered unhealthy eating and exercising habits that kept her feeling like she wasn't good enough. Feeling ugly and unbeautiful were common for Lorraine before her transformation. "I always felt too ugly, too gross," she said. When she found herself in a new job that made her even more miserable and depressed, that's when things started to spiral out of control. She was too embarrassed and shy to ask for help.

So she joined the Perfection Program, and transformed her life

"The Perfection Program was a blessing from God. When I say my life was down the drain I truly mean it....I cannot believe it took me this long to believe in myself. To believe in my talent. To believe in my successes and to love myself... I came into this program completely heartbroken over my parents separation, over my losses, over my hatred towards myself. Now, I feel full, I feel brave, strong and empowered. Thank you so much for everything you have done for me and for all of the girls in this program. I can never repay you. I feel more confident and able to take on the world. If you are feeling down or feel like you need a change or a lift, look into the Perfection Program. You will not regret it. It is one of the best decisions I have made."

Let me take you back to before I became a Self Improvement Leader.

The Lauren Eliz I used to be is a complete stranger to me. I was depressed, anxious, suicidal, suffering an alcohol and drug addition with a destructive eating disorder. I filled my life with unhealthy relationships with people who didn't love me, because I didn't know how to love myself.

How do other people feel so good about themselves? What is it I'm missing?

I felt ugly, unloved, insecure and incapable of being happy.So I decided it was time to change. I abandoned my whole life, sold all my belongings and embarked on a five year journey to find and discover confidence. I became an expert in the strategies of building self confidence and developing self worth.

I found an amazing sense of self that was indescribable.

-My self confidence skyrocketed.

-My body transformed into beautiful

-My career opportunities flourished

-My relationships grew and evolved in an unbelievable way

- I started to believe that I was truly capable of anything I ever wanted in life.

-And My Perfect Dream Life Formed right in front of me.

Now I coach thousands of women with the same tools I used to transform my own life.

It's Easy. It's Real. It's Life Changing. And most important, it's all right here for you to grab.